BevSource in the Community

BevSource has a long history of supporting the community around us. We've teamed up with several charities throughout Minnesota, and are always looking for new opportunities to be more involved.    
One of our longest relationships has been with the Junior Achievement North and their School Partnership Program, which teaches kids about personal finance and entrepreneurship. Currently, we support Edgerton Elementary School with financial contributions and employee volunteers to bring Junior Achievement programming to its students. In addition, our employees raise money through our customers, vendors, families and friends to support JA bigBowl, one of JA North’s largest fundraising events.     
No matter what we're involved in, we always strive to give both the time and money that go beyond our company's expectations. To learn more and keep up to date with what we’re doing in the community, check out our BevSource Facebook page.

BevSource in the CommunityBevSource in the CommunityBevSource in the CommunityBevSource in the Community